Inspirational movie clips and sermon illustrations at Movie clips that illustrate and inspire

Jesus' Illustrated Story

Without being able to read English, two African slaves learn the story of Jesus through illustrations in the Bible.

Themes: Gospel, Bible, Scripture, Understanding, Savior, Sacrifice, Resurrection, Faith, Hope, Belief, Salvation, Seeking God, Transcendence, Religion, Evangelism, Witnessing


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Comments (2)

  • mathewood (over 4 years ago)

    this is one my all time favourite movie

  • PastorDP1946 (over 7 years ago)

    What an amazing clip from a film. This really touched my heart.

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"Amistad" movie clips poster

Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken.

Based on the true story of America’s slave trade, the film shows the saga of an 1839 mutiny aboard the slave ship, Amistad. Much of the story revolves a courtroom drama as lawyers for the slaves seek their freedom and return home. The case is a watershed moment for America-Spain relations, and reveals the political machinations as it holds repercussions on the North-South conflict eventually leading to America’s Civil War.

MPAA: Rated R for some scenes of strong brutal violence and some related nudity

Principal Cast: Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey, Anthony Hopkins, and Morgan Freeman

Director: Steven Spielberg

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