Rango is an ordinary chameleon who accidentally winds up in the town of Dirt, a lawless outpost in the Wild West in desperate need of a new sheriff.
When his undefeated team fails to maintain their academic obligations, Coach Carter suspends all basketball until his players become better students.
An ordinary man discovers that his ordinary life is actually extraordinary. Truman is the centerpiece of a hit reality show about his life. How will he react?
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Prayer covers the whole of a man’s life. There is no thought, feeling, yearning or desire, however low, trifling, or vulgar we may deem it, which, if it affects our real interest or happiness, we may not lay before God and be sure of sympathy.
—Henry Ward Beecher
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Sam Childers, a former drug dealing biker, turns to God and devotes his life to protecting the children of...
A former drug-dealing biker tough guy finds God and becomes a crusader for hundreds of Sudanese children.
After learning that young children are sleeping out in the streets because of the threats of violence in their...
After a tremendous victory against the English, Scottish nobles would rather bicker over titles instead of...
After understanding the overwhelming issue of domestic trafficking, what can we do to affect change?
A scene from an anti-bullying rally where kids are encouraged to take a stand against bullying.
After hearing about the attacks on 9/11, Lt. Karnes feels compelled by God to help at ground zero.
Sam tries to convince a banker to loan him money so he can buy a vehicle to help transport children to safety...
Sensing that nobody believes he can break the speed record, Burt responds with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt...
An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown.
When federal troops surround the fort, John Brown adhere’s to a higher law when discussing the ethics of slavery...
After finding his way north, Shields must decide whether to live with his own freedom, or fight with John...
Diedre rescues a young girl from being sexually abused by a Western tourist in Vietnam.
This documentary explores domestic minor sex trafficking and the modern-day abolitionist movement fighting...
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