Inspirational movie clips and sermon illustrations at Movie clips that illustrate and inspire

Saving A Girl

Diedre rescues a young girl from being sexually abused by a Western tourist in Vietnam.

Themes: Victim, Human Trafficking, Rescue, Safety, Sex, Criminal, Predator, Activism, Abuse, Tenacity, Aggression, Rape, Savior, Sex Trafficking

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"Noble" movie clips poster

They broke everything but her spirit. They took everything but her dream.

The award-winning feature film, NOBLE, is the incredible true story of the fearless heroine, Christina Noble, who escapes the slums of Ireland and risks everything to rescue a million lives in Vietnam.

MPAA: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, including some violent and sexual situations

Principal Cast: Deirdre O’Kane, Sarah Greene, Gloria Cramer Curtis

Director: Stephen Bradley

In Theaters: May 8th

Searching For Bobby FischerUnplannedThe Curious Case Of Benjamin ButtonThe Heart Of ManThe Island

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