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I Want To Be Free

Upon discovering that there is more to life than material possessions, Francis proceeds to throw all his families possessions away.

Themes: Born Again, Materialism, Awakening, Church, Religion


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"Brother Sun Sister Moon" movie clips poster

St. Francis of Assisi was an extraordinarily complex and difficult figure whose effect on his contemporary society was electrifying. Even today, many people are moved by his visionary message of universal toleration. Francis is the son of wealthy merchants, and enjoys his share of wine, women and song without serious thought. When war and disease devastate his neighborhood, Francis undergoes an anguished transformation, which culminates in his appearing before the local bishop and removing his clothes to renounce his previous life and family before dedicating himself to God. The culminating dramatic moment is Francis’ appearance before Pope Innocent III to make his case for an independent religious order under new rules.

MPAA: Rated PG

Principal Cast: Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker and Leigh Lawson

Director: Franco Zeffirelli

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