Inspirational movie clips and sermon illustrations at Movie clips that illustrate and inspire

Bad Father

In the middle of an intensely critical time in his professional career, Evan must take sole care of his daughter.

Themes: Fatherhood, Parenting, Neglect, Responsibility, Obligation, Relationships, Family, Single Parent


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"Imagine That" movie clips poster

What if your daughter’s imagination… Was the secret to your success?

Evan Danielson is a successful financial executive who has more time for his blackberry than his seven-year-old daughter. When he has a crisis of confidence and his career starts going down the drain, however, he finds the solution to all his problems in his daughter’s imaginary world.

MPAA: Rated PG for some mild language and brief questionable behavior.

Principal Cast: Eddie Murphy, Bobbe J. Thompson, and Thomas Haden Church

Director: Karey Kirkpatrick

We Were SoldiersIt’s A Wonderful LifeEmperorUnplannedThe Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

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