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Under Pimp Control

Under the complete mind control of the pimp, a prostitute sees no way out the illicit life of a sex worker.

Themes: Sex Trafficking, Abuse, Coercion, Social Issues, Sex, Control, Victim, Powerless, Fear, Exploitation, Cruelty, Drugs, Despair, Human Trafficking, Slavery, Trapped, Prostitution, Atrocity


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"Nefarious: Merchant Of Souls" movie clips poster

Behind the veil of the sex industry

Nefarious ushers you into the nightmare of sex trafficking. This sober look into modern-day slavery is designed to explore this horrific issue and uncovers the shocking truth that people are being sold in sex markets in some of the world’s most ‘developed’ countries. Nefarious brings an array of experts from around the globe, lending their insights in a desperate attempt to find an answer to the crisis of the day.

MPAA: Not Rated

Principal Cast: Christian J. Simpson, Jon Morgan Woodward, Sarah Agor

Directors: Benjamin Nolot, Matt Dickey

Drillbit TaylorNo Country For Old MenWorld Trade CenterBraveheartMean Girls

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