Inspirational movie clips and sermon illustrations at Movie clips that illustrate and inspire

Losing Her Son

When her son is forcibly given up for adoption, Diedre cries out to God for answers.

Themes: Motherhood, Single Parent, Adoption, Forgiveness, Loss, Belief, Anger, God's Nature, Prayer

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"Noble" movie clips poster

They broke everything but her spirit. They took everything but her dream.

The award-winning feature film, NOBLE, is the incredible true story of the fearless heroine, Christina Noble, who escapes the slums of Ireland and risks everything to rescue a million lives in Vietnam.

MPAA: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, including some violent and sexual situations

Principal Cast: Deirdre O’Kane, Sarah Greene, Gloria Cramer Curtis

Director: Stephen Bradley

In Theaters: May 8th

Forrest GumpTrue GritPaul Apostle Of ChristThe Heart Of ManUnplanned

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