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How Far Are You Willing To Go?

Jim Malone tells Elliot Ness exactly what it will take to get the notorious gangster Al Capone.

Themes: Counting the Cost, Evil, Battle, Fighting, Resolve, Steadfast, Oath, Warning, Law Enforcement, Justice, Laws, Enemy, Determination


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"The Untouchables" movie clips poster

Never stop fighting till the fight is done

1920’s prohibition Chicago is corrupt from the judges downward. So in going up against Al Capone, Treasury agent Eliot Ness picks just two cops to help him and his accountant colleague. One is a sharp-shooting rookie, the other a seen-it-all beat man. The four of them are ready to battle Capone and his empire, but it could just be that guns are not the best way to get him.

MPAA: Rated R

Principal Cast: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery and Robert De Niro

Director: Brian De Palma

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