After disrupting the neighborhood, Burt finds an unconventional way to get rid of his overgrown grass.
Themes: Oblivious, Annoying, Accountability, Communication, Foolishness, Responsibility, Elderly
Main Idea: Your Vocation From God Includes Several Areas of Responsibility
Scene Setup: Burt has been so focused on making his motorcycle the fastest in the world to win the upcoming international race, that he has abandoned his sense of time and duties.
Application: God...
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Based On One Hell Of A True Story
Academy Award® Winner, Anthony Hopkins stars as Burt Monroe, a man who never let the dreams of youth fade. In the late 1960’s, after a lifetime of perfecting his classic Indian Motorcycle, Burt sets off from the bottom of the world, Invancargill, New Zealand, to clock his bike at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats. With all the odds against him, Burt’s quest culminates in an unlikely conclusion and remains legendary within the motorcycle community to this day.
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for brief language, drug use, and a sexual reference.
Principal Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Ian Rae, and Tessa Mitchell
Director: Roger Donaldson
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