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WingClips Select

Assorted titles from WingClips SELECT

What are “Select” clips?

In an ongoing effort to provide our subscribers with the very best and most comprehensive library of film content, WingClips is proud to present our “Select” program. This exclusive collection has been hand selected by our team and represents the highest quality of cinematic content available, providing you the unique opportunity to utilize clips from some of the most iconic films in cinema history.

Why are “Select” clips not included in my current
WingClips Subscription?

WingClips’ supplemental “Select” program is compiled from licensed studio content that could not be covered under our previous Subscriber License Agreement. All “Select” clips are in addition to, and never in place of, our free content. After exploring every available means of obtaining more content for our subscribers, we concluded that this new program is the only way for us to offer the premium and classic content that you have been looking for.

How does the WingClips credit system work?

WingClips CreditsBefore downloading “Select” clips, you must first add credits to your account. Each “Select” clip is worth a designated credit value, with the option of upgrading to HD or downloading the Sermon Outline for a couple more credits. You can add just enough credits for a single clip, or you can buy a larger amount of credits and receive a discounted rate. In addition, Premium and Professional subscribers are given a set amount of credits when they sign up, as well as each time their subscription renews.

Will you continue to add more content to your free library?

Yes, absolutely. We are committed to offering our subscribers the widest variety of quality content possible. We will always be adding additional clips to our free library and also look forward to adding more “Select” clips in the near future.

How do I know which clips are “Select”?

The “Select” movie clips will display in the search pages right alongside our free content. Each “Select” movie clip will have the “Select” logo over the thumbnail image, as well as the “WingClips Credits” icon in the clip features list.

View all Select clips
Forrest GumpFreedom WritersDrillbit TaylorNo Country For Old MenBraveheart

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