Inspirational movie clips and sermon illustrations at Movie clips that illustrate and inspire

Intelligent Design

Scientists explain the theory of Intelligent Design using modern analogies.

Themes: Creation/Creator, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Design, Evidence, Logic, Reason

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Comments (3)

  • Bad Idea (over 14 years ago)

    It is meaningless to talk about "information" without specifying which technical definition and which level of structure you are looking at. Without doing so, the claims being made in this clip are nigh gibberish.

  • Daniel Richardson (over 14 years ago)

    Real Science, real Math and real History! What a novel idea! You cannot generate ANY information through natural processes, (without having an input of information). Awesome Science!

  • Kent Lucas (over 14 years ago)

    Kudos to Ben Stien for having the guts to speak TRUTH regardless of the outcome.

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"Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" movie clips poster

Hosted by Ben Stein, this film is a fascinating look into the suppression of Intelligent Design theory within our scientific and educational communities. The documentary not only provides intellectual insight, but also effectively mixes humor and satire to produce a uniquely entertaining film.

MPAA: Rated PG

Principal Cast: Ben Stein

Director: Nathan Frankowski

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